Experience the canals and let them guide you to the surrounding landscape.

Illustrator: Daniella Lubkowitz
Göta and Kinda Canals run through the heart of Östergötland. While they no longer serve their original purpose as transport routes, they are both fantastic ways to experience the landscape.
Kinda Canal stretches from Horn and Hycklinge in the south to Linköping in the north. Göta Canal starts in Motala in the west and reaches to Mem in the east. The two meet at Lake Roxen, outside Linköping.
Experience the canals and let them guide you through the surrounding landscape. See the Kinda Canal locks, which are still exclusively hand operated, or watch the spectacular sight of small and large ships being raised and lowered in Göta Canal’s longest flight of staircase locks, in Berg outside Linköping.
Take a cruise on one of the canals and enjoy a guided tour and a delicious meal on board. Alternatively, sit down at one of the many cafés and restaurants along the canals. If you choose to walk along the canals, you’ll find plenty of wonderful spots to take a short break or perhaps stay overnight.
Can’t get enough of the canals? Why not take a boat trip through Östergötland?
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